Northward Bound:
Head north on Route 1 South Marine Corps Drive to Upper Tumon.
Pass K-Mart, Mobil Gas Station, and Triple J. At the Traffic Light, turn right into Guam Public Works. See Map.
Head south on Route 1 South Marine Corps Drive to Upper Tumon.
Pass GTA Building, the Energy Office and at the Traffic Light turn left into Public Works.
Upon entering Public Works;
- Business License and Permit Center Building is on your right (see map).
- As you proceed forward, you will reach the 4 way intersection.
- Turn right at the Division of Highway Building.
- After passing the Division of Highway Bldg, You will see the new Department of Revenue and Taxation Motor Vehicle Sign on top of the Building.
- Congratulations! You have reached GRTA's Admin Location.
Parking Options:
- You can turn right into the Parking area to park your vehicles, within building B
- There is ADA accessible parking available in front of building B.
- There is ample public parking available behind the Business License.

For Special Accommodation Please contact 671-475-4686 or 671-475-4616